Founded in Perth, Western Australia, Micromine is a leading global provider of mining software solutions across the entire mining value chain. From capturing, managing, visualising and understanding data to controlling and reporting on mine production, Micromine’s solutions are utilised around the world.
Micromine know that the mine of the future will be safer, more productive and more profitable than today, believing that data will drive this transformation. Micromine’s vision is that the company’s suite of products will turn that data into insights - insights that drive decisions that enable their clients to be world leaders.
Through its offices in 18 of the world’s mining capitals, Micromine has a true global reach and is a great example of an Australian business taking on the world.
Potentia was attracted to Micromine’s strong global market position and highly loyal customer base, with long term relationships across a diversified set of customers spanning the full mining lifecycle. Micromine has a strong in-house software development team and has invested significantly in its proprietary software platforms and IP.
Potentia is excited about the opportunity to work with management to leverage the existing platform and continue to expand Micromine’s customer, geographic and product footprint.
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